​James V. Brooks Biographical Sketch

Jacksonville native, James V. Brooks graduated from Bethune Cookman College and earned his Master’s Degree in Music Education from Florida State University. He became an itinerant string instructor, high school music teacher and band director for local high schools – Southside, Wolfson and Paxon. He was also a devoted church musician and was a member of Simpson Memorial United Methodist Church.
​​Mr. Brooks was employed for nineteen years with Duval County Public Schools. Of that time, he served twelve years as music teacher and band director of the Paxon Marching Eagles Band. Under Mr. Brooks’ leadership, The Paxon Marching Eagles Band gained popularity during the 1980s and early 1990s. There was a “friendly rivalry” among the Marching Eagles and the marching bands of other schools in the area.
Through the years, many male and female students alike looked to Mr. Brooks as a father figure. Mr. Brooks developed a close relationship with his students. He kept the band students in-line, both on and off the field. This kind of mentoring and involvement is what, in addition to his indisputable talent, made him a legend in the Jacksonville community.

​James V. Brooks Scholarship Fund

The James V. Brooks Scholarship Fund was established by his sister, Ms. Shirley Bing. The mission of the fund is: (1) to provide scholarships to graduating seniors in local Jacksonville schools that intend to be active in music related activities during their higher education tenure and (2) to financially assist children in Jacksonville who express an interest in music and whose families are unable to afford instruction to develop their skills.
Black Rose Foundation
For Children, Inc.
P.O. Box 311620
Atlanta, GA 31131
Phone: (404) 414-1779
Black Rose Foundation for Children, Inc. (BRFC) is a not-for-profit charitable organization founded in 2005. The vision of BRFC is to ensure that children, especially underserved children, have unlimited opportunities to excel in all walks of life.
The mission is to provide resources to organizations seeking to empower children as well providing direct services, advocacy and resources.
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